Sunday, February 18, 2018

Is America on the Moral Decline?

This column is a result of a panel I participated on at the Hilton Head Ethics Seminar on the topic, "Is America on moral decline?" I hope after you read my piece that  will weigh in on the topic too. It's relevant and important today.
Rabbi Brad Bloom


Katherine Gill said...

Great article! I think that, despite such deeply divided political beliefs, there are central core values that we can all work towards: respect, leadership, accountability.

p.s. I wonder if there are missing words in the first sentence: My parent's generation use <>

Marion said...

I attended the Ethics fourm on these issues and I am extremely sorry that I missed this discussion on the 18th ... as I failed to open my email in time.
I do want to be informed if and when any other interfaith forums are scheduled. Marion Conlin