Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Massacre of the Righteous in Charleston, SC. What Now?

Shalom to everyone! I have published this piece in my newspaper column today.  We need to pay more attention to these kinds of hate crimes on a local level. We still don't get it that the enemy who hates the diversity of this great nation continues to worship hatred.   They worship death  and they take pride in murder. We need in the local level responses and action to monitor, educate and network regarding the potential of hate crimes in America today.
If not now when? Take a look at the column and tell me what you think?
May the memories of the  martyrs of Emaunel AME church be remembered for blessing.

1 comment:

Jeff Shulman said...

Good Morning Rabbi Bloom, I read your thoughts and ideas about the recent horrific murders inside a place of worship. The shooter used a gun from his birthday, presented to him from his father, I heard. I will share your comments with some of my friends here in Sacramento. This has not been a good year for innocent people leading normal lives and having someone with a gun do a lot of harm. I am starting to miss the 60's when no one heard of this type of gun violence almost monthly on the news we all watch. Best wishes, Jeff Shulman