An Interfaith forum discussing the impact of religion on culture and events in the world...
Saturday, December 19, 2015
A Commentary or Davar Torah on the The Torah Portion. Vayigah the story of Joseph
Sunday, December 13, 2015
An unforgettable night of ecumenicism in Hilton Head-The Journey towards Friendship
Hanukkah Sameah Happy Hanukkah!
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Jewish life in the low country.
I wrote this newspaper column about a week ago from my trip to the Union of Reform Judaism Biennial Convention in Orlando, Florida. Have a good read and tell me what you think?
Who deserves to sit at our Thanksgiving Table? A Viewpoint towards America's attitudes to Syrian immigrants entering our country.
This is my most recent newspaper column. It is certainly a thorny issue with different perspectives. Note that my perspective here is to examine sacred texts before coming to a decision as to how we feel about opening our nation's gates to the thousands of Syrian refugees wanting to come to America. What do you think?
Monday, November 9, 2015
Jewish Holy Sites Matter Too! The Tomb of Joseph and Palestinian Terror
I have written this piece in my newspaper column on the burning of the venerated holy site of the tomb of Joseph by Palestinian terrorists. I look forward to your thoughts and reactions.
Biennial Convention: Final Post
The Biennial Convention: Part Two
The Union of Reform Judaism Biennial in Orlando: Part One
Reform Judaism.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
public officials should serve us all regardless of our religious beliefs
This is a recent newspaper column I wrote on the Kim Davis situation of refusing to serve gay couples who apply for a wedding license. I hope you will read this pice and feel free to comment.
All the best
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Did God make the right decision to create human beings?
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Humankind is a more than an object of treatment. Treat the person not only the illness.
Here is my recent article on caring for the person in the treatment process. This is the major challenge in medicine. Enjoy the read and let me know what you think?
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Walking the Labyrinth in New Orleans.
For me this newspaper column I wrote a few weeks ago was one of those outside the box religious experiences I had during my August trip to New Orleans. I was in a Episcopal church and you can read the rest. Thanks as always for sharing your comments.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
The Hardest challenges in life are often times the most important ones. A sermon on Kol Nidrei-Yom Kippur
My sermon for Yom Kippur Day: Natalie Portman: Is she right about Jews exploiting ourselves as victims?
“choose life” so that “we may live,” and by remembering our past we choose life. We are witnesses to all human suffering. That is the role of the Jew.
Thailand-walking skeletons with somber eyes and crazy with fear…..”How could a Jew like myself stay at home and not go to the help of an entire people?” … Some will say to me.” Yes, when you needed help nobody came forward. True it is because nobody came forward to help me that I felt it my duty to help these victims.”
The Yom Kippur I knew growing up in Baltimore.
Have a Shana Tova a Happy New Year.
Monday, September 7, 2015
It was time for me to participate on a the journey for justice and walk the walk.
I must say walking the 12 miles on a march for justice in Columbia, SC took the strength out of me by the end of the day. But I certainly learned a lot and will value that day for all the heat and the sweat and the learning. Walking the walk with the Reform Movement and the NAACP will stay with me forever. Have a good read and let me know what you think!
Shana Tova
My visit to Selma and New Orleans: Two men committed to telling the truth of history.
This is the second installment from my journeys in the south series. I discuss my trips meeting two interesting men in Selma, Alabama and New Orleans, La. One black and the other white. Both have a deep commitment to telling the story of the civil rights movement and the history of slavery. Both men committed to justice even though they come from different world. Have a good read.
Your comments are always welcome.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Clergy have a duty to bring about social change.
My recent newspaper column that Clergy have and must continue to play a role in bringing about social change. I pray that volunteer leadership in churches, temples, and mosques will support them.
Have a good read and thanks for sharing your opinion.
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Davar Torah on the Weekly Torah Portion: Seeking is finding-A pathway to Jewish spirituality.
Is developing a security plan for the house of worship doing God's will too?
Having served a congregation for about elven years that suffered a domestic terrorist attack that severely burned the sanctuary and the administrative offices I understand why taking security seriously for a house of worship is critical and essential for the welfare of the congregation and the clergy and employee staffs. This article is about a theological perspective towards why planning for security is doing God's work too.
Thanks for taking the time to read it. Your comments are always appreciated.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
The Supreme Court decision on legalizing Gay Marriage: What about the child who must still keep the secret?
Thanks for taking the time to read this recent column I wrote in the newspaper. What about the kids who grow up in homes knowing that they are gay and that their faith tradition and their parent's values would oppose or condemn them? What would they do?
Saturday, July 4, 2015
A sermon on ethics and walking humbly with God in light of controversial issues today.
Should the Confederate Battle Flag go down in South Carolina?
Shalom to everyone.
Here is the latest column I wrote addressing the issue of taking down the Confederate Battle Flag at the state capitol in Columbia. I hope you take a few minutes and read it. Your reactions are always appreciated even if you disagree with my ideas.
I hope everyone had a nice Shabbat and a Happy Fourth of July to celebrate this nation's day of Independence.
I wish you the best and may God protect America.
Rabbi Bloom
Saturday, June 20, 2015
The Massacre of the Righteous in Charleston, SC. What Now?
Monday, June 1, 2015
Shalom to everyone
I have provided a link to an essay I wrote about coping with professional and personal loss. I reflect upon about my experience years ago with the arson attack against my previous congregation in Sacramento and the death of my father the next day. It was a seminal day in my life. A lot has happenbed since then both painful and glorious. I thought it was time to put it all in writing. There is also a poem I wrote as well which I think also highlights this theme.
Thank you for taking the time to review it. Your comments are always appreciated.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Religion has to change in America according to the results of the recent Pew Survey. What's next?
I am not sure if it is aging but I can see things differently today. Ecclesiastes said, "There is nothing new under the sun." Religion has to be relevant but faddish too? People's attitudes do change and the Pew Survey just released demonstrate that fact in America. Religion is changing and people's views towards it are changing as well. Take a read at my recent newspaper column and tell me if I have become too cynical.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Religion strives to find a balance between tradition and change.
Greetings to everyone and Hag Sameah
I am sending this recent newspaper column about how all religions are striving to innovate and to preserve the ancient and traditional aspects that give meaning to the faith. I was just in new york attending a conference as an orientation for the new high holy day prayerbook (mahzor). The conference got to thinking about why change is needed in religion and why it is important that we are careful about how we change traditions. Enjoy the read and your comments are always welcome.
Shalom and Good yom tov
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Shalom to everyone.
I wrote this piece in my newspaper column. It relates to the pain that I feel about the events in Baltimore this week. As a native who grew up in Baltimore and lived in the downtown area when I was a graduate student, I could not watch these events on television without feeling sick to my stomach. I hope you will take the time to read and react to this column.
Let Peace and Justice prevail in Baltimore.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
For you Civil War Buffs this month marked the 150th anniversary of General Robert E. Lee's surrender to General Grant. Take a look at the history of what clergy on both sides of the war said about the mission of religion.
Thanks for taking the time to read my column in the newspaper. Your comments are always welcome.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
How business and the almighty dollar saved the religious freedom restoration act
It has been a few months since I visited my blog. Here is my recent column from the newspaper. I hope all my readers are well and I thank you in advance of you taking the time to read it. All the best.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
My Blog at the Central Conference of American Rabbis Meeting in Philadelphia.
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