It is telling about the nature of the Jewish people in
response to terror when those in the Jerusalem neighborhood let alone in the
shul that was attacked this week respond to media inquiries by saying that ‘we
go back to the business of living.’ It is practically impossible to fathom the
outrage, anger and desire for revenge that must be pulsating through the veins
of Israelis in this most recent barbaric action. We read reports of Israelis, definitely
shaken to the core of their souls, yet still able and willing to live and not
give in to the terrorist’s goals.
At the outset I want to stand in solidarity with my rabbinic
colleagues in condemning these murderous acts and extend my personal
condolences to the families who lost their loved ones in this terrorist attack.
There can be no justification or excuse for this kind of abominable action. I
hope that all of us will share our thoughts with our national elected leaders
including our congressman and senators.
Media reports show video footage of observant Jews at this
Jerusalem synagogue praying in the streets. They wait for the Messiah. They are
believers in their theology with a deep seated faith turning to God for
strength. They do not call out to destroy Arabs and Palestinians. They do not summon the faithful to carry out
an Intifada against the Palestinians in East Jerusalem. They do not call for a
Jihad against all non-Jews and chop off heads. They mourn and grieve. They pray
and even dance through their grief knowing that God is listening and giving
them consolation.
Their martyrdom is not to walk through mosques and Arab
storefronts and blow themselves up because God is great. Jewish martyrdom is
about enduring the pain of exile and the pain today of terrorism. It is the
courage to resume life knowing one has sustained a serious wound to their body
and soul that distinguishes our martyrs from those of the radical Muslim
Tragically we have seen these kinds of despicable actions
many times in the past. Do we ever get used to or accustomed to the brutality? What will be the consequences of these young men’s’
crimes? Will Israel build a security fence? I hope not. Jews in Jerusalem
remain vulnerable since there are no barriers constructed between East and West
Jerusalem. Anyone can drive anywhere they want to in Jerusalem. As always there
are more questions lingering from these events than answers. I pray that the
city will never be divided due to fear.
Are there Americans who enter the fray of Israeli-
Palestinian politics saying, “This is what Israel gets for its policies in the
territories”? Others will remain silent because they know the hypocrisy of the
position that says, ‘I am a friend of the Jewish people but I just hate Israel.’
Are all the academic associations who condemned Israel and the religious
organizations which supported the Boycott Divest and Sanction Israel
declarations now rejoicing in the same way that Palestinians do in Ramallah and
Gaza City at the so-called martyrdom of two murderous cousins from East Jerusalem?
Four Rabbis and an Israeli Druze policeman have entered
eternity. The bullets and knife wielding terrorists did not care whether there victims
would be rabbis or an Israel Druze police officer. Their hatred and dedication
to their cause blinded them to the basic values that are supposed to be
universal. Human life is sacred. “Whatever is hateful to you do not do to
another”( Talmud Shabbat). “You shall be holy for I the Lord your God am holy”
(Lev. 19:19).
We will say kaddish for the deceased and pray for the speedy
recovery of the wounded. May God accept the victims of terrorism in his
Heavenly embrace? May Israel resist the pressures to respond with vengeance and
may it remain on the moral high ground. May God bless the memories of the
departed and sustain them in our hearts and souls and, finally, heal those
recuperating from their wounds. Zichronom L’vrachah-May their memories be for a
Rabbi Bloom
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