Rosh Hashanah
night 2012
The first
time I visited Europe was back in 1970 when our family toured Spain. It was
still in the days of that long lived dictator Francisco Franco. In the city of
Madrid we made our way to the lone remaining synagogue located in an alleyway.
As a thirteen year old I remembered the uncomfortable feeling of having to be
quiet and careful while entering the synagogue and listening to a brief
explanation. Why would one have the feeling of concealment about being a
Jew? I had precious little knowledge
about our history but I learned fast about the Spanish Inquisition of the
Jewish People. The Jewish community in
Madrid at that time lived in total concealment and little did I realize then
how we would become experts at hiding our private lives from a hostile world.
In the
Jewish ghetto of Warsaw the Nazis forbade the practice of Judaism. Yet there was a resistance in that
concealment of Jewish spirituality that chills my bones to this very day.
Survivor Chaim Kaplan wrote about the eve of Rosh Hashana in 1940:
is forbidden to us. The wonder is that we are still alive and that we do
everything. And this is true of public prayer too. Secret minyanim by the hundreds
throughout Warsaw organize services and do not skip over even the most
difficult hymns in the liturgy. There is not even a shortage of sermons.
Everything is in accordance with the ancient customs of Israel. The enemy does
not know what is going on, and we can assume that no Jewish man, even if he is
a Jew born in Poland, would inform on Jews standing before their Maker in
And then I
read a passage from the Psalms, one of our sacred texts that said that the
first day of Rosh Hashanah is known as the day of concealment. For it is
written in Psalms, “Sound the Shofar to mark the new month, the time of
concealment of our festival” (Ps. 81:4). Even the Talmud (Beitza) echoes this
theme of concealment on Rosh Hashana, “Sound the Shofar to mark the new month.”
The rabbis ask; “Which festival falls when the new month is concealed? They say
that Israel is compared to the moon for it is radiant on the Festivals. On Rosh
Hashana, however, Israel diminishes herself and conceals her greatness in
trepidation of the Day of Judgment. Some of the Rabbis say that we conceal the
holy day of Rosh Hashanah so as to confuse Satan and not enable him to
prosecute Israel for its sins.
Jewish history teaches one
kind of meaning about concealment, while our theology teaches us another, but
both are relevant to what it means to be Jewish in our time. For example, we
are living in a world where Jews are -- in most places -- free to pray whenever
and wherever we want to. This is particularly true for Jews living in the
U.S., where our freedoms are guaranteed by law and protected by social custom.
Yet, there are events, troubling ones, that remind us of a time when we lived
in fear of what our adversaries might do to us. That feeling
of vulnerability is still present today. And what shall be our response on a
spiritual level to the situations that threatens Israel, world Jewry and
especially America?
At the same
time history teaches not to lose hope, but, instead to remain resolute in
protecting our way of life. The Talmudic maxim still applies; “Pray as if
everything depends on God. Act as if everything depends on human will.” In a
way we still have to conceal ourselves to confuse the Satans of today that
threaten us. At the same time we do not give in to the threats of radical
Islam. We operate from a position of strength. Concealment reveals a paradox
between survival and transcending hatred from others. Have we not used
concealment to our advantage in order to keep Satan which is a metaphor
applying to Iran, the Arabs and others still guessing about Israel’s strength
and determination?
The best
example of how we have used concealment against our adversary is Iran. Israel
has been so effective in the art of surprise. Even with what we know about
Israel’s nuclear weaponry, we will not know just how Israel will respond. And
that in and of itself is part of Israel’s campaign to make concealment a
strategy of psychological warfare.
History has
taught us to take madmen seriously at their word. Ahimenijhad is one of them
and he belongs to a long line of aggressors against the Jewish state. He would
like us to believe that he has constructed a political kind of Warsaw ghetto
around us today. He would like us to believe that this burgeoning nuclear
capability will hold us hostage at the very least let alone destroy Israel’s
way of life. We watch with frustration what the President, the UN and other
international bodies debate about how to deter Iran.
We read the
Un’tane Tokef prayer proclaiming; “Who shall live and Who shall die.” The
prayer does not include words such as “by nuclear attack? But we are thinking
about this scenario nevertheless. We get increasingly uneasy as we listen to
Defense Minister Ehud Barak refer to Israel
missing the moment of inevitability of Iranian nuclear strength and
No one can
say for sure what Israel and Iran will do, let alone the United States. Israel’s most effective strategy is to conceal
what it will do and not do. Yes, collaborative efforts between America and
Israel on the use of effective computer worms and viruses to upset the Iranian
system have supposedly been effective. But the public knows precious little
about what goes on behind the scenes.
We see how
concealment of Israel ‘s fears regarding the long term repercussions of the
Arab spring on Israel is another area where Israel conceals its opinions and
its strategy should the new political leadership of Egypt, for example, back
Hamas and abrogate the Camp David treaty.
In Europe Jews must still contend with anti-Semitism
from the right and the left. Whether it is in France where terrorism against
Jews continues from Arab radicals or in Britain where the universities carry on
efforts to ban Israeli academics and declare Israel as a pariah or a modern day
apartheid South Africa, the Jewish communities still live in a sort of
precarious situation of enjoying full citizenship but also living as a protected
population in case of the next terrorist attack.
Even in our
own country and temple we are wary of our vulnerability. Jews live freely but as a community we still
conceal ourselves. We have, for example, police protection and not for traffic
control at the high holy days. Our temple has installed effective security
devices. Despite our freedoms we still depend upon the practice of concealment
so as to intimidate and prevent the modern day Satans from attacking us.
What we
should never forget is that behind the concealment of our vulnerability we have
prevailed because we are the most adaptable people to adversity. Our strength
lies in our ability to conquer our fears and to carry on despite the backdrop
that we are targets to an enemy that will spring up at any time and at any
place. Our dedication to study and building Jewish community wins us more
friends in the long term even if it attracts detractors.
One great sage Rabbi
Pinchas of a town Koretz in Europe once about two hundred years ago said; “At
New Year’s God is in that concealment which is called the “sitting on the
throne,” and everyone can see him, everyone according to his own nature; one in
weeping, one in prayer and one in the song of praise.” We do not know the
answer to what anyone will do let alone what we might do in a given moment. It
is another matter to imagine what the Israelis or the United States will do to
stop Iran from proclaiming that they have a nuclear weapon. We too bring all
our emotions including our fears, tears and our hopes that this will not
happen. Just the thought of Iran boasting of their nuclear bomb would evoke all
these emotions.
In America we are accustomed
to joining with vulnerable religious minorities and ethnic groups who share common enemies with us, and
that is why we need to be
even more active and supportive of other groups who attack our friends and
stand up for them in real and substantive ways. Groups like the Sikhs,
for example, as well as other religious minorities, need our support and if we want their support in our
time of need then we need to be there for them. That is the kind of strength we
cannot conceal but we must be out in front on issues of human rights abuses. If
the Holocaust taught anything about the silence of the world, we must not be
afraid to act on behalf of our friends.
Our greatest
act of concealment is the ability of our people to come together in facing our
adversaries. It is an internal and spiritual strength that enables the state of
Israel to overcome the challenges of its diversity. It is the concealment of
our faith whether it is in God or ourselves or something called history that
has sustained us through the darkness and carried us into the light. We never want to go backward into history
only to learn from it. We live in a new era of military, political, cultural
and spiritual vitality. That is what we conceal as our greatest arsenal against
our adversaries. And on this Rosh Hashanah while we see the dangers in the
world to Jewish survival in regimes like Iran, we still pray and fight for our
right to exist and for our children’s right to have a future and live proudly
as Jews.
In the book
of Isaiah, it is written “Fear not O Jacob” (44:2). The rabbis tell of the moment that God showed
our patriarch Jacob the prince of Babylon going up and down Jacob’s ladder.
Then it was the prince of Media or ancient Persia also going up and down the
ladder. Afterwards God showed Jacob the vision of the prince of Greece going up
and down the ladder of Jacob as well as the prince of Edom or Rome going up and
down the ladder of Jacob. Then God tells Jacob, ‘You too may now ascend this
sacred ladder I have provided for you.’ Jacob, according the ancient tale, grew
afraid saying, “If all of these empires went up and eventually descended in
destruction maybe I too will have the same fate for the Jewish people.” God
replied, “Do not be afraid, you shall ascend this ladder but you shall never
descend” (Leviticus Rabbah 29:3).
On this holy
night of Rosh Hashanah we are bound together once again as a unified people all
over the world. We ascend the ladder of our destiny and we have never
descended. We have concealed our faith and we have drawn upon it in darkness
and in light. May we sound the shofar tomorrow morning knowing that faith,
dedication and commitment to the tradition and to the history we all share will
see us through and that the Satans of our time will fall into obscurity. We are
the Jewish people and we shall prevail. Baruch atah adonai eloheinu melech
haolam shechiyanu v’keyimanu ihegeyan lazman hazeh.
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